
Showing posts from August, 2017

Second Day

Today Mr. Schick explained class rules and what supplies we need and what to expect. All we need for class is our laptop with internet access, a composition notebook, an open mind and the willingness to learn. other things he said was cell phones go in the basket before class. He also explained what Human Geography is the study of people in a certain area. He also said that all of our blogs need to be at least 150-200 words. Mr. Schick does not give extra credit. He also mentioned that we are responsible for missed work and that if it's 4 days late we get zero credit but still have to do it. We also will be blogging every day. If we get caught with our phone out or we are playing computer games it's an automatic detention. He said that we would have to talk to him about making up work if we plan on being absent. Mr. Schick also said that he will sometimes give pop quizzes and open blog tests/quizzes.

First Day

My first day was not what I expected it to be. Before I got dropped off, I was freaking out, but I took some deep breaths and thought about things that make me happy and decided to wing it. So I entered and thought I was following my correct schedule but I didn't know it was wrong until I headed to Intro to Drawing but on my new schedule was English with a different teacher. I originally thought that I had English with Mrs. Zurkowski but I actually had it with Mr. Schick. So I got to his English class and everything just fell into place. I actually saw Mr. Schick twice that day, once for English and the other for Human Geography. Lunch was cool, I sat with a group of guys who only two of them I know the name of. In Biology I did an activity I did before called "Saving Sammy" where you have to save a gummy worm with a partner only using paperclips. First period I had a free period and was in the cafeteria was learning what I can and can't do during it.
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