Maybe my last blog ever

Hey everyone, you probably heard we may stop doing our blogs so if I'm going to go out, I'm going to do it with a bang. Let's get started!!!!!!! First here is a link to It's Thursday by Mr. Schick. You can listen to this on everyday not just Thursday. Second though Mr. Schick wasn't here today we still had fun. Third here is a link to Rome by Chi Cago. So feel free to rock out with these awesome tunes. Fourth most of you probably want to stop doing the blogs but just do one more and if it is indeed our last blog then go out with a bang just like me because you all were very excellent with your blogs. You guys and gals should add links and things to help spice up your blogs. Though most of you see the blogs as tedious and boring, I'm really going to miss them if we stop doing them. I know yo guys don't feel the same but that's your opinion! So that's all I got so read this when you are bored.


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