It's Thursday

Today in Human Geography on a Thursday we started to talk about what we will be doing next now that we've tested out of Socrates and ancient Greece and excellence. We haven't gotten our test back yet. Now we're talking about different regions of the earth, not continents, not countries, but regions. We did a worksheet today to start us off and we also copied down some questions. There were two maps of the earth on the worksheet and based on the number each region of the earth was given we would have to write which region it was next to the corresponding number. Some of the notes we copied down talk about how regions are different based on language, climate, and other key aspects. Today a lot of my classmates learned that the United States has no official language. When we were doing the worksheet we were allowed to use our laptops do help us identify the different regions of earth. We also don't have an official religion so anyone can practice whatever belief they may have whether it be Christianity, or Hindu, or Muslim, you can practice any religion here in the United States. Today was a D day so classes were shortened but I still had fun in this amazing Human Geography class.


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