Socrates and Ancient Greece

Today in human geography we searched for different things that relate to or happened in ancient Greece. We looked up two words, agora and polis. agora was a gathering place in ancient Greece where spiritual and political discussions would occur. Polis is the root word for words like politics, metropolitan, and poll. We also learned that in 508 BC, democracy was introduced. We even talked about the philosopher Socrates, his scientific method, and his death. Socrates was an ancient Greek philosopher who was one of the founders of Western Philosophy. Socrates died because he was charged with two crimes. One, refusing to recognize the gods the state recognized and two for corrupting the youth. Socrates claimed he was doing his job and said instead of killing him they should give him free meals. For his punishment Socrates had to drink poison hemlock. Socrates' scientific method involved a hypothesis and thinking. Tomorrow we will review our answers for "What would ancient Greeks mean if they called you an idiot?"


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