Why we don't use computers in class

Today in western civ we started off with a pop quiz all because Jacob asked if we were getting one. Then after the quiz, Scott asked why we aren't allowed to be on our computers. Mr. Schick gave three excellent points on why we don't use them. Number one, research proves that writing it makes the person retain the knowledge better. Number two, we can't be trusted on them because instead of writing notes we could be doing anything else. Number three, he knows that if we go on them we won't pay attention and learn because if they are on he only sees the back of the screen he can't tell if we are paying attention. We learned more about Cleisthenes including that he was a member of the elite, he was very rich, and he was a crafty politician. We also learned that hoi polloi means regular people. I'm actually really excited to see what else is on the presentation.


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