Sub day

Today Mr. Schick wasn't here today but we have to  answer questions in our blog so here we go.
1. Hellenistic- blending of Egyptian, Persian, and Indian culture.
     Alexandria- foremost center of Hellenistic civilization.
      Euclid- highly regarded mathematician.
       Archimedes- important Hellenistic scientist.
        Colossus of Rhodes- bronze statue that is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
3. When trading occurred in Alexandria different people from all over the world came, spreading their culture therefore adding to the cultural diversity.
4. Some of Euclid's geometrical work may have later been turned into star charts showing different constellations.
5. Both of them state that a god or gods rule the universe.
There are the answers to the questions we needed to answer and hopefully they are correct.


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