Test vs. No Test

Well today we actually were a democracy for a little bit. We voted on if we should have the test or not. No test won. A lot of people were happy about that but a few, not so much. After that whole hoopla we then answered questions in our notebooks like we did earlier, say last week. That was basically all we did but let's add some more things. The questions were on the Renaissance. Also this was the last day of May which was also a Thursday and you know what that means. It's Thursday song!!!!!! We still have this class tomorrow and on Monday, but we will probably just review for the exam. Hopefully everyone does good on the exam and doesn't bomb it. Hopefully it's not just this one we do good on but all of them.Well folks that is about it so have a good Thursday, do well on the exams, have a great summer, and God bless ya!


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